Public Hearings - CHR 3-2011 ZTA Demolition Hearing

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PUBLIC HEARING - May 17, 2011

CHR 3-2011 ZTA Demolition Hearing

A public hearing was held today at 6:30 p.m. in the County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, County Government Center, Chestertown, Maryland, for the purpose of amending Article IV, Section 5 (Accessory Structures, Prior Construction); Article XI Section 2 (Definitions) and Article XII, Sections 3 and 4 (Administrative Procedures – Permits and Enforcement) of the Kent County Land Use Ordinance to add new provisions relating to the demolition and reconstruction of structures.

County Commissioners, Ronald Fithian, William Pickrum, and Alexander Rasin were in attendance as well as Susanne Hayman, County Administrator; Gail Owings, Director, Planning, Housing and Zoning; and Carla Gerber, Community Planner.

Commissioner Fithian read the Notice of Public Hearing and two letters into record:
• Elizabeth H. Morris, Chairman, Kent County Planning Commission; dated March 4, 2011
Sending favorable recommendation for text amendments to establish review process within the Land Use Ordinance
• Elizabeth P. Beckley, Chair, Kent County Historic Preservation; dated May 6, 2011 voted to recommend approval of the text amendment to establish a demolition review process within the Land Use Ordinance.

Kate O’Donnell registered to testify and gave comments supporting the CHR 3-2011 Zoning Text Amendment.

Commissioner Fithian invited comments and questions from the audience. Commissioner Pickrum asked why fifty years is the benchmark for Historical Structures. Ms. Owings explained this is a national standard and that the Tier 3 review process addresses concerns that might arise.

Written comments will be received in the Commissioners’ Office until noon, Friday, May 27, 2011.

The hearing was taped for reference and adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sondra M. Blackiston, Clerk

Ronald H. Fithian, President
The County Commissioners
Of Kent County, Maryland