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PUBLIC HEARING - January 27, 2009


A public hearing was held today at 10:25 a.m. in the County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, County Government Center, Chestertown, Maryland, for the purpose of amending the current text description of the Lawrence and Associates Developers, LLC project in the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan.

County Commissioners Roy Crow, Ronald Fithian, and William Pickrum, were in attendance as well as Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, Wayne Morris, Director, Water and Wastewater Services, Karl Weed, Deputy Director, Jim Wright, County Engineer, Carla Gerber, Community Planner, Amy Moredock, Environmental Planner, Tom Leigh, Chester Riverkeeper, and approximately 10 interested persons and two members of the media.

Commissioner Crow read the Notice of Public Hearing into the record.

Lawrence and Associates Developers, LLC previously proposed construction of a shared sanitary facility, manufactured by the Zenon Corporation, to serve a maximum of 12 lots in this subdivision on parcels 19,31,145 and 146 of Tax Map 44 off of Lover’s Lane located in the Seventh Election District, along with 16 existing homes located on parcels 33, 36a, 69, 105, 106, 110, 301, 59, 109, 147 and parcel 331, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 within the planned service area, and identified by the Kent County Health Department as having failing septic systems. The properties will now be served by a proposed extension of the Quaker Neck Sewerage Collection System. This line is designated as a “denied access line” that may only serve each of the above lots with one allocation each. The Town of Chestertown has granted additional sewer and water allocations to accommodate this project. Currently, this area is designated as “planned service” for water or sewer. The proposed area to be serviced by this sewerage service extension is shown on a map available for viewing by the public.

Mr. Morris stated that this will be the third update to the water and sewerage plan on this issue. The first update took place in 2002. He stated that since that update it has been decided that an extension of water lines will be completed for the area, rather than a stand alone treatment facility. Mr. Morris informed that two of the original seventeen properties have been removed. He feels that the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) is prepared to accept the project as it is currently being presented. Subject to MDP review, Mr. Morris feels that the project will be placed out for design and under bid within the next year.

Questions were taken by those in attendance.

Jim Smith questioned who would be responsible for the costs associated with this system. Mr. Morris informed that Kent Lawrence will be responsible for all costs associated with his subdivision; however, the County will be responsible for the installation of the line to correct the failing septic systems. Mr. Lawrence will also be responsible for allocation fees for his project. In response to question raised by Mr. Smith, Mr. Morris informed that Mr. Lawrence has received full approval for his subdivision. Mr. Smith expressed concerns that he previously requested allocation from the Town of Chestertown for property in this area and was told to contact the County. Commissioner Crow reminded that the county received its allocations for this project from the town and any additional requests for allocations will have to be made to the town.

Dan Oberholtzer questioned the costs associated with the new system. He also questioned whether there will be a requirement that the old septic system be removed. Mr. Morris stated that the only costs to the homeowner will be the cost for a plumber to connect from the homeowner’s property to the grinder pump. These costs will have to be determined. There will also be costs associated with pumping out the septic system and having the field tank associated with the system dug out.

Judy Oberholtzer questioned when the project will begin and the proposed completion date. Mr. Morris stated that if everything goes as planned, construction can begin within one year with completion within nine months to one year from the beginning point.

Mr. Smith questioned whether application will be made for the other lots on Lover’s Lane to be brought into the system. Commissioner Crow stated that this will not be possible unless allocations are provided from the town.

In response to question raised by Tom Kerr, Mr. Morris stated that price per foot for installation to the grinder pump will depend on the individual property. He stated that the price per foot could average between $20-50, which does not include labor costs.

This hearing was taped for reference and adjourned at 10:43 a.m.

Janice F. Fletcher
Executive Assistant

Roy W. Crow, President