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PUBLIC HEARING - April 28, 2009


A Public Hearing was held today at 10:15 am in the County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr. Kent County Government Center, Chestertown, Maryland as it relates to a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan to include the Chesterville Forest Service Area by constructing a low pressure grinder pump system to serve the properties along Chesterville Forest Road, which are within a “priority funding area”. This project was approved in early 2008 but was unable to continue due to unavailability of land for on site treatment and disposal. The new proposal has a low pressure force main traversing along MD 291 and intersecting with an existing force main along Edge Road. The existing line already connects to the Millington treatment plant and the county has enough excess capacity under the agreement with the town of Millington to include these properties. Four (4) properties between Chesterville Forest Road and the connection on Edge Road have been identified by the Kent County Health Department as having failing septic systems; Tax Map 31, Parcel, #18, #76, #122, and #151. The sewerage collection system from the intersection of Chesterville Forest Road and MD 291 to the connection point along Edge Road will be declared a denied access line in accordance with the county’s policy.

County Commissioners Roy Crow, Ronald Fithian, and William Pickrum, were in attendance as well as Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, Wayne Morris, Director, Department of Water & Wastewater, and approximately eight interested persons and one member of the media.

Commissioner Crow read the Notice of Public Hearing into the record. Mr. Morris gave a power point presentation for review of this proposed project. He stated that the project is anticipated to begin by January, 2010. Commissioner Crow stated that the anticipated completion date may be December 2010.

William A. Wilson questioned why the sewer line is now planned to be installed in a different direction. Mr. Morris responded that the original plan to have an on-site treatment and disposal system is no longer a viable option due to unavailability of land. The new plan involves installing a low pressure force main in the opposite direction along MD 291 to be connected to the Millington Treatment Plant.

Lee McGinnis questioned vacant lot charges. Mr. Morris stated there will not be vacant lot charges on those properties designated on the map provided at this hearing. The County is anticipating receiving a grant for this project in order to keep fees within the universal rate, but anticipates the quarterly rate will be $140 for sewer only.

Robert Tate questioned availability of service outside the boundary identified on the map. Mr. Morris advised that the outside properties that have been identified by the Kent County Health Department as having failing systems will be able to hook into the service. If there are properties that are identified as failing systems by the Kent County Health Department in the future, they will also be allowed to hook in the service.

Commissioner Crow announced that the Board will receive written comments until Friday, May 1, 2009.

This hearing was taped for reference and adjourned at 10:30 a.m.




Roy W. Crow, President