Public Hearings - CHR 3-2012 MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS

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PUBLIC HEARING - October 9, 2012


A public hearing was held today at 7:12 p.m. amending Article VI, Section 6.2 (Subdivision—General Requirements), Article VI, Section 6.3.B (Review Procedures—Major Subdivision), Article VI, Section 6.4.A (Plat Requirements—Narrative), Article V, Sections 1.8.B.3-17.8.B.3 (All Zoning District Specific Design Standards for Private roads in minor subdivisions), and Article XI, Section 2 (Definitions) of the Kent County Land Use Ordinance in order to address subdivision provisions impacted by SB236 (“Septics Bill”) relative to the subdivision general requirements and review standards, the minor subdivision definition, and the private road standards.

County Commissioners, Ronald Fithian, William Pickrum, and William Short were in attendance as well as Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, Sondra Blackiston, Clerk and Jessica Elburn, Administrative Secretary.

Commissioner Fithian read the Notice of Public Hearing into the record.

Commissioner Fithian invited comments and questions from the audience.

Amy Moredock, Director, Planning, Housing, and Zoning explained that the amendments address the process by which the Kent County residents increasing administratively flexibility relative to minor subdivisions and to create consistency with the State’s definition of a minor subdivision.

In response to a question from Commissioner Pickrum concerning provisions of State law, Ms. Moredock explained the increase to the number of lots in minor subdivision from five to seven not only creates County flexibility, but also makes the County law consistent with the State law. No one else present requested to comment or ask any question.

Written comments will be accepted in the Commissioners’ Office until Friday October 12, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.

The hearing was taped for reference and on a motion by Commissioner Short and seconded by Commissioner Pickrum, the Commissioners unanimously agreed to adjourn the public hearing at 7:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sondra M. Blackiston, Clerk

Ronald H. Fithian, President
The County Commissioners
Of Kent County, Maryland