Public Hearings - Code Home Rule 2-2008

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PUBLIC HEARING - May 6, 2008

Code Home Rule 2-2008

A public hearing was held today at 10 a.m. in the County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, County Government Center, Chestertown, Maryland on Code Home Rule Bill No. 2-2008, which is an Act to amend Article V, Section 7 (“Village District”) and Article VI, Section 3 (“Supplementary Regulations”) of the Kent County Land Use Ordinance to provide an exception to the Prohibition of locating parking lots between the front property line and the primary building for certain public recreational facilities, and to clarify the applicability of height limitation regulations for private, residential, windmills less than forty-five feet (45') in height, and generally relating to Article V and Article VI of the Kent County Land Use Ordinance

County Commissioners Roy Crow, Ronald Fithian, and William Pickrum, were in attendance as well as Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, Gail Owings, Director of Planning, Carla Gerber, Community Planner, approximately 3 interested persons and two members of the media.

Commissioner Crow read the Notice of Public Hearing into the record.

Correspondence dated March 17, was received from Elizabeth Morris, Chairman, Planning Commission, informing that at its March 6 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed this proposed Zoning Text amendment for parking restrictions in the Village District and voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the zoning text amendment. The Planning Commission based its decision on the following:

-The amendment complies with the Comprehensive Plan’s goals to maintain and enhance existing spatial relationships, and to establish linkages and public parking areas.
-The proposal meets a public need identified in the Comprehensive Plan to continue the campus setting of the Worton Regional Park and school campus with the design and construction of a community center.
-It allows more flexibility for public recreational facilities on public land.
-It provides for safer circulation between the Community Center, Worton Park facilities and the two public schools.

Correspondence dated September 14 was received from Ms. Morris informing that at its September 6 meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed this proposed zoning text amendment for Private, residential windmills and voted to recommend approval based on the following:

-The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
-The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the need for and encourages the use of alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, and biomass and the investigation of federal and state incentives such as tax credits for the use of alternative energy sources.

-Windmills are permitted accessory uses.

Bill Crowding commented that he hopes that the parking lot at the new Community Center will be kept less cluttered than that of the current Parks and Recreation parking lot.

Commissioner Crow questioned whether there was any discussion of possible special exceptions to generate electricity for agricultural uses. Mrs. Owings stated that property owners could apply for a variance for these uses. Mrs. Owings stated that any excess electricity generated can be sold back to the electric company. Commissioner Crow questioned whether current commercial towers fall under current 200 foot guidelines. Mrs. Owings stated that they do.

This hearing was taped for reference and adjourned at 10:06 a.m.

Third reading of this proposed legislation will be held on June 3, 2008, the next legislative day.


Janice F. Fletcher
Executive Assistant


Roy W. Crow, President