Kent County Board of County Commissioners


Board of County Commissioners

July 20, 2004

The Honorable Board of County Commissioners met today with the following present: Roy W. Crow, Scott D. Livie, and William W. Pickrum, presiding.

Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, was also in attendance.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

W. Roger Williams, Treasurer, reported a balance of $2,295,844.00.

Commissioner Pickrum requested a moment of silence to remember the men and women in uniform who are defending the United States' freedom around the world.


Memorandum was received from Susanne Hayman, County Administrator, providing, as per the request of the Department of Public Works, supplemental information concerning whether or not to re-locate the reduced speed sign and place rumble strips on Bayshore Road. One of the items submitted was a memorandum from Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT), the County's insurer, concerning the County's potential liability for failing to comply with the statutory requirements.

Ms. Hayman reported her opinions as follows: "Given that the Maryland Annotated Code says that rumble strips, signs, and other "traffic control devices" must conform to State Highway specifications, it is difficult to advise anything but to stay within the mandates of the Code." The regulations state that rumble strips are permitted "to alert road users to unusual traffic conditions." An upcoming speed zone, in and of itself, would not be an "unusual traffic condition."

Ms. Hayman reported that she spoke with Esther Strawder-Peyton, a safety engineer with the Maryland Department of Transportation, and learned that Bayshore Road is not an appropriate location for rumble strips. Ms. Strawder-Peyton also indicated that it would be against regulations if the County moves the existing sign outside the regulated distance. She offered the following two traffic-calming suggestions that do not violate the regulations:

-It is permissible to erect a second traffic control sign indicating the need to reduce speed, so long as the existing sign remains at the appropriate distance from the speed zone;

and/or - Put flashers on the existing sign that warns of the upcoming speed zone. Commissioner Pickrum suggested that the County adding another "slow down"sign and thereby reach a compromise.

Commissioners Crow and Livie concurred.


Dr. Bonnie Ward, Superintendent of Kent County Public Schools, Dr. Jim Sieman, President of the BOE, Frances Miller, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, and Joanne Crowder, of CBIZ Beatty Satchell Business Services, Inc., Auditor, and representing the BOE, appeared to discuss the County's payment procedure for BOE funding.

Pat Merritt, Director of Budget and Accounting, A. Dean Burt, III, BOE Attorney, and Roger Williams, Treasurer, were also in attendance.

In follow up to a discussion held on July 6, Commissioner Pickrum explained that because the County would like to (1) minimize its borrowing costs; and (2) maximize the public schools' utility of the County funds allocated to the BOE, the County has decided that it would be more expedient, therefore, to distribute its allocation to the BOE on actual costs incurred, rather than in predetermined increments.

He further explained that the County does not receive its funding in one, lump sum and, therefore, it has to borrow money to pay for its expenses in the interim periods. He also indicated that it is the County's desire to provide the school system the actual funding that it needs each month.

Dr. Ward reported that the BOE has a $27 Million budget which requires careful management and, therefore, the BOE needs to know what funding is available with as much advance notice as possible. She also reported that every county in the State disburses its allocation to its respective BOE monthly in equal amounts. She expressed her concern that it would be difficult for the BOE to invoice the County every two weeks for funding drawn from its allocation.

Commissioner Pickrum reported that it is the desire of Kent County to provide the best financial management that it can and concurred with Dr. Ward's suggestion that the BOE review its financial activity of previous fiscal calendars in order to determine whether or not there are predictable "peaks and valleys" on which to base its withdrawals from its County allocation funding.

Commissioner Crow emphasized that the County represents the "fund balance" in the BOE budget, referring to Dr. Ward's statement in this discussion that the BOE has to maintain its fund balance. Therefore, as Commissioner Crow advised, it is the County that has to maintain the fund balance on behalf of the BOE. Dr. Ward reiterated that the BOE will review its fiscal schedule and report back to the Commissioners.

Mrs. Miller expressed her opinion that the BOE has, in fact, carefully reviewed its financial schedule, and every year faces the challenge of juggling federal, State, and County funding, grant funding and the respective schedules of each of the above, many of which do not coincide. Mrs. Miller reported that there are some regular expenditures that are predictable; however, during the course of the fiscal year, there are fluctuations which will occur. Therefore, according to Mrs. Miller, it would be difficult to accurately project the BOE's financial needs every two weeks, or monthly, etc., and invoicing the County for the same.

Responding to questions posed by Commissioners Livie and Crow, Mrs. Miller and Ms. Crowder reported that restricted funding cannot be used for unrestricted funding purposes. Ms. Crowder added that the cash management report that was issued by the BOE in 1996 is, in her opinion, still relevant today and therefore could be referred to as a model on which to base projections of the BOE's financial needs.

Dr. Ward noted that per the past fiscal year, the BOE earned only $8,000 in interest, an amount which represents only half of what was earned in previous years.

Dr. Sieman expressed his opinion that the Commissioners will not see huge fluctuations in the BOE's financial schedule, which he described as personnel-driven.

The Commissioners concurred with Dr. Ward's suggestion that Ms. Crowder, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Merritt review and discuss the BOE's financial schedule in order to submit actual costs incurred for the bi-monthly payment to be paid by the County.

The Commissioners approved and Commissioner Pickrum signed the electronic transfer request for the period of July through September 30, 2004.

Commissioner Crow inquired about the two new assistant principal positions in the County's public school system which he learned about from the July 15 article in The Kent News.

Mrs. Miller responded that both new positions reflect a slight change in employment period, a reduction from 12 months to 11 months. Additionally, one position, originally an administrative position that primarily functioned as a coordinator, now functions with increased administrative services as an assistant principal. The other position, originally an assistant principal position, remains the same in title with a greater focus on student services, such as athletics and other extracurricular activities, as well as assistance with the high school renovations project.

Commissioner Pickrum reported that one of the Board's constituencies has inquired as to the ratio of minority representation on the faculty of the public schools to the minority representation of the student population.

Dr. Ward responded by stating that County-wide, the BOE has tried as well as it can to have minority representation on the faculty; however, the distribution is done on a County-wide as opposed to a school-by-school basis.

Discussion ensued referring to correspondence that was received from Mrs. Miller, dated June 21 and July 13, requesting approval for budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2004. The adjustment affects both the unrestricted and restricted portions of the current expense fund; however, the Commissioners noted that the Restricted Fund did not balance on either request submitted.

Mrs. Miller gave reasoning for the concerns noted.

A motion was made by Commissioner Crow, seconded by Commissioner Livie, and made unanimous by Commissioner Pickrum to approve the two requests for BOE's budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2004 as submitted.

For future requests, Commissioner Pickrum suggested that Ms. Crowder and Mrs. Miller meet with Mrs. Merritt to determine a format for presenting information with greater clarity and in greater detail as it pertains to requests submitted for budget adjustments.


The Commissioners approved and signed correspondence directed to Chesapeake Fields Institute advising of the Board's endorsement of the Chesapeake Fields Farmers, LLC application for a grant from the U. S. Department of the Agriculture, Value-added Producer Grant program.

The Commissioners also confirmed their commitment to continue to provide office and meeting space at the Kent County Public Works Complex to Chesapeake Fields.


A third reading of Code Home Rule Bill 1-2004 was held as follows: An Act to amend the Kent County Zoning Ordinance by adding a note to Article V, Section 1.5A clarifying limits on an Agricultural Easement Program participant's ability to transfer property to a child.

Therefore, Article V, Section 1.5, would be read as follows:

Agricultural Easement Program - Nothing in this regulation shall limit the ability of a participant in the Agricultural Easement Program to convey real property impressed with an easement to his or her child provided that the easement was recorded with the Kent County Clerk of the Circuit Court prior to October 1, 2003.

Ballots were distributed and, upon their return, all in favor of this legislative bill, which will become effective on September 3.


Forms were completed for the change of authorized signatures for Requests for Payment on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), to reflect the staff changes in the Housing and Community Development Office and the appointment of a new County Administrator.

Commissioner Pickrum signed certification as to individuals who are authorized to co-sign the requests for payment.


Waterway Improvement Program

- Memorandum was received from Robert Gaudette, Director, Waterway Improvement Program indicating that applications are currently being received for the Federal Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) Program. This Program provides matching fund grants (up to 75% Federal Funds) for projects that will enhance boating for nontralerable recreational boats (26' or over in length), when such boats are in transient status.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

- Referring to correspondence received from C. Ronald Franks, Secretary, DNR, dated June 24, in which Mr. Franks requested the County's funding for the operation of steam gauges and observation wells in the County at the "Local Sponsor" annual cost of $3,058.13 (cit. Minutes, Commissioners' Meeting July 6),

Commissioner Livie inquired as to whether or not the County itself could monitor its stream flow and groundwater levels with the volunteer assistance of private home and well-owners.

Amy Moredock, Environmental Planner, appeared and was asked the following: whether or not there are acceptable alternative ways for the County to conduct its own monitoring; what benefits exist specific to the County as a result of monitoring; and the location of the 10 wells in the County.

Ms. Moredock will provide the answers and report back to the Commissioners.

Later in the day, Ms. Moredock responded to the Commissioners' questions in a memorandum. She reported that she contacted Dr. Emery Cleaves, Director of the DNR's Maryland Geological Survey who, in turn, referred her to David W. Bolton, Chief Hydrogeology and Hydrology Program for Maryland Geological Survey.

Mr. Bolton explained that the gauges and wells are crucial water resource planning devices for the Governor's Task Force on Water Resources. He further noted that the 10 wells located in the County are part of an Optimized Network of wells throughout the State, each of which are tested twice a year. The sites are monitored to track long-term trends in water levels (rates of decrease or increase). These results are used to compile the USGS Annual Report on Water Data.

Because USGS is accountable for the continuity and accuracy of this report, either USGS or Maryland Geological Survey staff must collect the data at each site with a manual measurement with an electric tape.

Ms. Moredock provided contact information received from Mr. Bolton, 4 maps (totaling the 10 well locations in the County), and a sample page from the Annual Report displaying a Kent County well location and the chart specific to that well. No action was taken concerning the State's monetary request.


Wayne Morris, Director of Water and Wastewater Services, appeared and reported on the following:

Fairlee Service Area - The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Mr. Morris to rescind the allocation granted by the County to Arlene G. Douglas, representing Tom &AB, LLC, on March 11, 2003, pertaining to Tax Map 35, Parcel # 15, due to failure to sign the Public Works Agreement and failure to pay the allocation fee.

Piney Neck, Skinners Neck, Wesley Chapel Service Area -The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Mr. Morris to rescind the allocations granted by the County to the following due to their failure to sign their respective Public Works Agreements and failure to pay their respective allocation fees: David A. Lindsey, for allocation request granted on June 22, 1999 for Tax Map 55, Parcel # 77; Robert Shepherd, representing the former property of Evelyn Reynolds (deceased) who received an allocation on April 1, 2003 for Tax Map 44, Parcel # 143.

Worton Service Area - A Public Works Agreement was signed by the Commissioners with John P. Foreman granting a sewer allocation for Map 35, Parcel # 189.

Edesville Ballfield - Commissioner Livie inquired as to the status of efforts to rectify the problem of re-occurring flooding in the Edesville ballfield.

Mr. Morris reported that he has had discussion with Jeff Troester, Director of Parks and Recreation, and presented to Mr. Troester some options for resolving the problem.

Mr. Morris will confer with Mr. Troester again and report back to the Commissioners at the next meeting.

Tolchester Service Area - In response to Commissioner Crow's question, Mr. Morris reported that he will be meeting with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to discuss what issues may pertain to the addition of 10 water and sewer allocations beyond the existent 40 allocations.

According to Mr. Morris, the existing sewer line will handle the additional 10 allocations, as per the results of a study conducted by McCrone's, Inc. (Engineering).

Mr. Morris also responded by stating that it would not be necessary to increase the pipe-size of the sewer line, provided that the allocations are located in the designated growth area.


The Commissioners approved a recommendation made by Warden Ronald Howell of the Detention Center, that an animal assisted activity protocol be adopted by the County for implementation at the Detention Center.

Commissioner Pickrum requested that the parameters within which this protocol will be enacted, supervised and evaluated be established by the County in conjunction with the Humane Society of Kent County.

For the record, Warden Howell explained in a memorandum that inmates with mental health disabilities would benefit from pet therapy and would be selected for participation. Supervision of said program would be the responsibility of the Warden, Detention Center mental health personnel would identify and select those inmates meeting the criteria.

Warden Howell also explained that the program's implementation and maintenance would be at no cost to the County's taxpayers.


Correspondence was received from Richard T. Welsh, of Philadelphia, PA, expressing concern as to law enforcement practices in the County, citing, as an example, the weekend traffic stops, conducted by County law enforcers, on various highways in the County, during which out-of-state drivers are being "targeted."

A letter responding to Mr. Welsh will go forth.


As prepared by the Kent County Health Department, the Commissioners approved and Commissioner Pickrum signed Core Public Health Services Funding Agreement for period July 1 through June 30, 2005.


Commissioner Pickrum and the County Administrator signed Quarterly Status Report of Phase Four of the Home Improvement Program Project.


P.A.M. Schaller, Director of Economic Development, and Tom Beckett, Chair of the Economic Development Advisory Board, appeared and introduced Sarah Woodworth, Vice-President, ZHA, Inc. (consultants), who, on July 12, met with the Economic Development Advisory Board, Commissioner Livie, and Ms. Schaller to discuss the draft that ZHA, Inc. prepared entitled, Retail and Office Market Analysis, as it pertains to the LaMotte Property.

Jeff Troester, Director of Parks and Recreation, Jim Wright, County Engineer, and Jack Canan, Coordinator of Housing and Community Development, were also in attendance.

Ms. Woodworth, describing ZHA, Inc. as a national consulting company based in Annapolis, reviewed the findings of her analysis and presented her suggestions for the next phase of planning for the LaMotte Property. She noted that a significant amount of her findings was based on the report of the LaMotte Property Study Committee.

Included among Ms. Woodworth's findings in the Analysis were the following:

40% of the LaMotte property is develop-able; it is centrally and, therefore, advantageously-located; there are environmental site amenities (e.g. the pond, the potential vistas, etc.) that increase the value of the property.

Concerning the analysis of the property for office-use, Ms. Woodworth advised that there is an excellent market in this area for new, state-of-the-art medical office condominiums and ownership of office space by other professionals, such as lawyers.

Concerning the analysis of the property for retail-use, there is a strong market in this area for the retail of general merchandise; however, a large "box"-type store would not be acceptable. There is also an excellent market for a restaurant at this site; however, a franchise-type restaurant would not be acceptable. For any restaurant to be included in the site development, the property would require re-zoning.

Ms. Woodworth cited the following advantages of the office-campus:

the County would get money back from its investment; the current low interest rates would move the sale of the available spaces quickly; there are amenities to the site, such as its environmental attractiveness, which increases the value of the property; there are no office- condominium-product being offered elsewhere.

The disadvantage is that there is no flexibility if a retail option for development is included; however, without a retail option, the potential money gained from that kind of investment would be lost.

She summarized by suggesting that the site be re-zoned to include retail and offer a mixed-use, both of which would add value to the property.

Drawbacks to re-zoning are that the process of application and approval for re-zoning requires a lot of time, and interest rates could increase during that interval of time.

According to the Analysis, the next steps suggested for the County to consider are as follows:

- all environmental concerns (e.g. the pond, wetlands, etc.) should be resolved before the County approaches developers;

- all transportation issues, e.g. public access to the site, should be resolved before the County approaches developers;

- there should be a significant amount of communication between the Town of Chestertown and the County towards determining a unified vision for the site, which would contribute to a win-win situation for both entities;

- the County should make its decision about re-zoning before it meets with the Town Council of Chestertown and to be prepared to make its rationale for it;

- the County should draft a RFP - Request for Proposal.

Responding to Commissioner Pickrum's question, Mr. Troester indicated that the property would be eligible for Project Open Space (POS) funding, pertaining to its environmental concerns, and it may also be eligible for funding from the Department of Natural Resources. However, the determination of eligibility would involve establishment of ownership of the property, i.e. the County or Chestertown, because the owner would be responsible for the required maintenance of POS funded-property.

Ms. Woodworth advised that it would be better for the County to subdivide the environmental responsibilities to the developer and to include those expectation sin the RFP.

Ms. Schaller projected that the issue concerning road access would take about one year and that the County will have to inform the State Highway Administration (SHA) as to its plans for the site before it can expect the SHA to make its determinations. The developer would be financially responsible for the acquiring the road construction permits, etc. as required by the SHA.

Mr. Beckett reported that the Economic Advisory Board has already benefitted significantly from the Analysis prepared by Ms. Woodworth, noting that what has been learned would benefit future economic development projects in the County. He indicated that the Economic Advisory Board intends to request a retainer with Ms. Woodworth from the Commissioners.

The Commissioners agreed to schedule a meeting with the Chestertown Town Council to discuss the Retail and Office Market Analysis and, as per the suggestion made by Mr. Beckett, to select a small steering committee of 6 to 8 people representing the LaMotte Property Study Committee and the Town to address the next steps based on Ms. Woodworth's Analysis.

The Commissioners expressed their appreciation to Ms. Woodworth for her presentation.

Correspondence was received from D. Miles Barnard, of Chestertown, a member of the former LaMotte Park Study Committee, in which he, expressing his own opinions and not the opinion of said Committee, indicated that the property was purchased by the County in order to preserve open space and to protect one of the County's gateways (cit. LaMotte Park Study Committee: Analysis and Recommendations,

Mr. Barnard suggested that the County open the discussion to the citizens, citing the example of a community charrette, in a venue in which they would be able to voice their opinions and concerns about the use of public funds and the development of public lands.

Correspondence was received from H. Joseph Phillips, Partner, George J. Donovan AIA and Associates (an architectural firm located in Bedminster, PA), indicating the interest of his firm to create a conceptual design plan for the LaMotte Property, attaching list of projects which represent services of the firm, such as conducting feasibility studies, programming, designing, documenting, and managing the construction of projects.


At 12:45 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Crow, seconded by Commissioner Livie and made unanimous by Commissioner Pickrum to go into closed session for legal counsel in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 (a) (8) of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

The closed session adjourned at 12:50 p.m.


The Commissioners approved and signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Local Management Board and Kent County Parks and Recreation for funding for the FY05 Jr. Leaders Club in the amount of $4,000.


The Commissioners discussed status of mental health services in Kent County with Dr. Leland Spencer, Health Officer. Dr. Spencer advised of his efforts to obtain approval from the State to extend these services until such time private providers are available.

Correspondence was received from Nancy L. Connolly, Director, Regional Mid-Shore Mental Health Services (RMSMHS), Kent site, confirming the RMSMHS' receipt of the County's funding of $30,000 to support of the clinic's operations and programs, and expressing the appreciation of the RMSMHS staff for the funding.

Ms. Connolly reported that the clinic serves 550 County citizens, about half of these being children and adolescents.

Ms. Connolly also reported the latest "gray areas' criteria; i.e. for the clinic to get paid for the uninsured patient, a patient must meet the following criteria:

has received services in the Public Mental Health System since July 1, 2002;

or is homeless;

or has Social Security Disability Income due to psychiatric impairment;

or has been incarcerated within the last three months;

or is on conditional release from a Maryland State hospital; or has been discharged from a Maryland psychiatric hospital within the last three months.


Jeff Troester, Director of Parks and Recreation, appeared and, on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, received the approval of the Commissioners of the recommendation of the Advisory Board to appoint Jacob L. Voorhees, of Kennedyville, and Cyntaya Smith, of Chestertown, as the High School representatives on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the 2004-05.

Responding to Commissioner Crow's inquiry as to the status of the student representation program, Mr. Troester reported that this new program has been working fairly well and that the Advisory Board is planning ways in which to inform more students about the program.

Commissioner Pickrum suggested that a letter go forth from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to the students via the office of the Superintendent of Public Schools.

Jeff Troester, Director of Parks and Recreation, appeared and reported that he has learned of a source for a used school bus at the cost of $3,000. With the required painting of the bus, the estimated cost to the County would be $4,500. Mr. Troester advised that the currently used school bus is 20 years old and is still serviceable. Mr. Troester will report further about this school bus concern at the next Commissioners' meeting.


At 11:20 a.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Crow, seconded by Commissioner Livie and made unanimous by Commissioner Pickrum to go into closed session with Dr. Leland Spencer, Health Officer, to discuss personnel matters in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 (a)(1)(ii) of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

Ed Birkmire, Environmental Health Director, and Nony Howell, Sanitarian, were also in attendance.

The executive session adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

At 12:50 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Crow, seconded by Commissioner Livie and made unanimous to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 (a)(1)(i)(ii)of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

The executive session adjourned at 1:10 p.m.


The Commissioners approved the following recommendations made by the Board of Public Landings and Facilities at its meeting on July 12:

- To approve the request for a 110' tug boat, which is used as an environmental classroom, to tie up at the end of the pier on Betterton Day.

- To approve the request for use of Bayside Landing Park for "Party on the Bay" to take placer on August 21.

- To pursue the dredging of the federal entrance channel in Rock Hall harbor.

- To pursue finding the funds needed to install more lighting at Bayside Landing Park.

- To apply for the permit needed to install the two pilings for the Aberdeen boat slip at Betterton.


Dr. Leland Spencer, Health Officer, appeared and advised of his understanding that the Town of Chestertown plans to withdraw the available sewer allocations from the County.

Wayne Morris, Director, Department of Water and Wastewater Services, was also in attendance and stated that, as per electronic correspondence received from the Town Manager, William Ingersoll, dated June 26, any previous offers from the Town to allow the County to use sewer allocations previously set-aside for the existing Quaker Neck Service Area could be interpreted to include the 9 active accounts that will be demolished, the 11 shown for future use in the 1997 addendum and the 5 lots paying vacant lot fees.

There were 236 original allocations in the actual service area. The failing systems on Lovers Lane and Kent Lawrence's proposed development are outside the boundary of the service area. The County cannot activate the existing allocations outside the area specified in the written agreement without successful negotiations with the Town.

Dr. Spencer advised of contact made with MDE and was informed that the KCHD can indirectly make recommendation to MDE to take legal action should the County request that these failing systems be hooked into the service area.

Before following up on this recommendation, Commissioner Pickrum feels that the agreement needs to be amended with the Town to serve the 17 failing systems outside the service area and that the County should begin discussion with the Town in this regard. Commissioner Livie agreed to discuss this issue with Mayor Bailey.


Bernadette Bowman, Director of Tourism, appeared and introduced Kerri Sacchet. Planning Engineer, and Allysha Nelson-Lorber, Landscape Architect, both of who represent McCormack Taylor Consulting. Mrs. Van Pelt reported that the Scenic Byway Gateway signage represents the only scenic byway program in the State.

Ms. Nelson-Lorber presented the recommendations of McCormack Taylor for the preliminary design, logo and site locations for the Scenic Byway Gateway signs which include Queen Anne's, Kent, and Cecil Counties.

The signage in the County would include both incorporated and the non-incorporated Towns. Thus far, all of the incorporated Towns in the County have agreed to the sites for the signs.

In Kent County, the sites for the signs would be along MD Rte 213 into Chestertown, the Chestertown Bridge to the Cecil County line and to Chesapeake City, and down MD Routes 20 and 445.

The consultant accomplished the following: the logo design, the design of the sign itself, the identification of the sites for the signs, the contact with the owners of private property at identified sites, and the completion of the necessary grant applications.

Ms. Nelson-Lorber presented photographs and maps indicating the site locations of signs in the non-incorporated towns of Georgetown, Kennedyville, Fairlee, and Edesville.

Responding to Commissioner Pickrum's questions, she projected that the longevity of the sign would be about 20 years. Ms. Nelson-Lorber explained that the Byway Gateway sign project involves the Planning and Zoning and Tourism Departments of the three respective Counties, as well as the State Highway Administration.

Commissioner Crow suggested that the signs include a statement of welcome to visitors not only to the towns, but also to Kent County.

Commissioner Pickrum suggested that the individual towns be requested for discussions concerning the addition of plantings and the on-going maintenance of the signage sites.

The Commissioners expressed their appreciation to Ms. Sachet and Ms. Nelson-Lorder for their attendance and presentation.


The Commissioners approved and Commissioner Pickrum signed Modified Shore Erosion Control Project Agreement with the following: Richard C. and Mary K. Merriken to borrow the amount of $42,073.11 for construction costs plus $1,547.64 for technical and administrative costs making a total loan of $43,620.75 from the County; Jerome M. Staller and Sandra M. Goldberg to borrow the amount of $94,210.14 for construction costs plus $3,869.11 for technical and administrative costs making a total loan in the amount of $98,079.25 from the County.

These loans are to be repaid without interest in twenty-five installments beginning July 1 immediately following the completion of the project and that subsequent installments shall be due on July 1 of each year thereafter.

The County will receive funding from the Department of Natural Resources through the Shore Erosion Control Construction Loan Fund.

There being no further business to claim their attention, the Board adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, July 27, 2004.


Janice F. Fletcher
Executive Assistant

Approved: William W. Pickrum, President

Please contact Ileana Lindstrom or Janice Fletcher at (410) 778-7435 or by e-mail with any questions or comments.

© Kent County Commissioners - All Rights Reserved.