Kent County Board of County Commissioners 10/22/2002


Board of County Commissioners

October 22, 2002

The Honorable Board of County Commissioners met today with the following present: Larry B. Beck, W. Michael Newnam, and Ronald H. Fithian, presiding.

T. Edward Robinson, County Administrator, was also in attendance.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

W. Roger Williams, Treasurer, reported a balance of $ 9,832,701.00.


Carter Stanton, Director, Public Works, requested $5,000 be transferred from the County Roads budget surplus to the Bayside Public Landing and Park general supply line item. A motion was made by Commissioner Newnam, seconded by Commissioner Beck and made unanimous by Commissioner Fithian to approve the transfer of funds.


The Commissioners approved a Resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2002 Amended Budget.


The County Commissioners were the guests of honor at a Appreciation Luncheon given by county employees in recognition of the moral support given and enhanced benefits provided to county employees.


The Commissioners received correspondence from Hagner Mister, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, advising of Federal funding to support a Conservation Corridor as a demonstration program on the Delmarva peninsula. The program will identify local needs to maintain economically viable agricultural communities and the ecological and biodiversity of the peninsula. Three regional forums have been scheduled to discuss the initiation of such a program and the local forum will be held at Washington College on November 25, 7:00 -9:00 p.m.


Wayne Morris, Director, Department of Water and Wastewater Services, appeared to report on the following issues:

Piney Neck/Skinners Neck Service Area - The Commissioners approved and executed

a Public Works Agreement for Thomas and Bonnie Tucker for three sewer allocations located on Tax map 51, Parcel 143.

Kennedyville Service Area - Mr. Morris brought to the Commissioners' attention that the former Haymarket property was transferred to the Kennedyville Volunteer Fire Company and noted that in the past the Commissioners have waived water and wastewater fees. Commissioner Fithian advised that no action would be taken until a written request from the fire company is received.

Generators - In follow-up from last week, Mr. Morris provided pricing for replacement generators at both Fairlee and Kennedyville facilities that are in need of replacement. Commissioner Fithian requested Mr. Morris follow the County bidding purchase process for the replacement generators to determine how to resolve the matter.

Worton Service Area - Mr. Morris reported a problem with the septage unit at Worton treatment facility.

Worton Well Project - Commissioner Beck inquired as to the status of the project. Mr. Morris advised that the materials were ordered and the project should commence next week. Mr. Morris reported that the connection from the new well to the building would cost approximately $8,000 and the engineering drawing would cost approximately $1,000. After consulting with Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) the connection costs are to be funded by the Small Puchase Program, however, the engineering costs are to be borne by the County. The Commissioners approved engineering expense of $1,000.

Edesville Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study - Barry Ebersole, representing McCrone Inc., appeared to review the Edesville Water and Sewer Feasibility Study. Mr. Ebersole advised that this study was to make recommendations to better serve the Edesville Service Area, rather than plan for growth as was the approach with the previous feasibility studies. He advised that the water and wastewater infrastructure serves 92 connections and includes one water supply well, water treatment plant, storage tank and treatment plant. Mr. Ebersole presented a diagram of the area delineating collection system and water system.

He reported that the wastewater treatment process was not designed to accept raw sewage as collected from part of the service area. He noted that according to records, more water was used than treated, possibly indicating a need for further investigation as to the condition of the lagoon treatment facility.

Mr. Ebersole made recommendations to rehabilitate the existing water and wastewater systems and stated the most efficient method to meet all requirements was to connect to the existing Rock Hall system. McCrone Inc., recommended $614,250 in improvements in order to maintain an acceptable level of service to the existing customer base as the rehabilitation of the existing system would cost approximately $1.46 Million.

Commissioner Newnam stated that the Rock Hall Mayor and Council should be contacted to discuss the matter as it is the most cost effective remedy to continue to provide adequate service to the Edesville Area. Mr. Morris advised that an agreement with Rock Hall was in place for sewage, however, water services had not been discussed. Commissioner Newnam requested correspondence go forth to the Rock Hall Mayor and Council to initiate further discussion, Commissioners Beck and Fithian concurred.

Commissioner Fithian thanked Mr. Ebersole for his detailed and comprehensive presentation.


Correspondence was received from Ronald Howell, Warden, advising that two inmates were taken to the hospital over the past weekend. One inmate was treated and released, while the other inmate remains hospitalized.


The Commissioners approved a Raffle Permit for the Betterton- Still Pond Lions Club to hold a fund raising event on November 2 at the Betterton Fire Hall, Betterton.


The Commissioners approved and Commissioner Fithian executed the acceptance of the Community Development Block Grant Agreement for Project No. MD-03-CD-23, Housing Improvement Program, Phase IV for receipt of grant funding not to exceed $185,000.

The Commissioners approved and Commissioner Fithian signed a Subordination of Deed of Trust for Todd Gerald Barry as it relates to the Housing Improvement Program.


Bid opening will be held on November 19 for the demolition and disposal of various structures on 315 Middle Street and 337 West Street, Millington. These properties were destroyed by Hurricane Floyd.


At the recommendation of Gail Owings, Director of Planning and Zoning Administration, the Commissioners approved to release Irrevocable Letter of Credit from the Chestertown Bank of Maryland for the account of Ford's Seafood, Inc. in consideration of satisfactory compliance to the Kent County Landscaping Policy.


At 10:50 a.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Newnam, and made unanimous by Commissioner Fithian, to go into executive session with Ernest S. Cookerly, County Attorney, for legal counsel in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

Items of discussion included litigation relating to the Block Grant Program.

The executive session adjourned at 11:00 a.m.


The Commissioners approved and Commissioner Fithian signed Section 5311, Capital Grant Agreement for the purchase of three small diesel buses with lifts, 50 bus stop signs and three bus stop shelters to be utilized within the three participating counties. The estimated net project cost is $198,000; Federal Share - $ 158,400;

State Share - $19,800; Local Share - $19,800.


Jeff Troester, Director, Parks and Recreation, appeared to report of the upcoming Fall Fest to be held at Turners Creek on Saturday, October 26. He advised that the event will host a variety of events for the entire family and encouraged all to attend.


At 9:05 a.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Newnam and made unanimous by Commissioner Fithian to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

The executive session adjourned at 9:15 a.m.

At 11:15 a.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Beck, seconded by Commissioner Newnam and made unanimous by Commissioner Fithian to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with State Government Article, Section 10.508 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

The executive session adjourned at 11:20 a.m.


The Commissioners received correspondence from Governor Parris Glendening, advising that Board of Public Works has approved Kent County's request for Program Open Space funds regarding Worton Park Playground Development, ($41,400) Toal Park Pavilion, (($29,173.06) Millington Pool Drain Project, ($5,400) and the Turner's Creek Park Lathim House Renovations,($W22,500) for the total amount of $103,333,06.


In follow-up from October 1, the County Administrator reported that in response to his request to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for a security guard to be present at the Public Works Complex for their monthly appointments with clients due to inappropriate behavior of some of the clients, the Social Security Administration will no longer be receiving clients at the Public Works Complex. He advised that the Social Security Administration will be using the Upper Shore Aging Administration building for future client meetings.


Correspondence was received from Michael Harvey President, Crestview Community Association, withdrawing support for the Rails to Trails proposed project.


Gail Owings, Director, Planning and Zoning Administration, appeared to report on the October 21 Tributary Team meeting. She advised that the 2010 Clean Water Act goals were discussed. Commissioner Newnam inquired as to new requirements relating to the legislation. Mrs. Owings reported that the focus was on nitrogen management and land management. She noted that the Eastern Shore 2010: A Regional Vision agreement, recently approved by the Commissioners, addresses these goals.

Commissioner Newnam noted that the agricultural community has already addressed nitrogen concerns. Mrs. Owings noted that concern was strongly voiced and until the development of better fertilizers the agricultural population could not make further concessions.

She also advised that Langford Bay has been removed from the list of Impaired Waterways.


In follow-up from last week Amy Moredock, Environmental Planner, appeared to report on upcoming forum scheduled for October 24 to address solutions to remedy Urieville Lake of high sediment load and low dissolved oxygen. She advised that the public was invited and the Riverkeeper will provide a history of the lake. Ms. Moredock advised that the forums will generate a consensus of the best feasible solution for the community.


Correspondence was received from the Department of the Environment, Water Management Administration, advising that Conrad and Patricia Lagenfelder, Kennedyville, have applied to increase their existing water appropriations from an annual average 6,100 gallons per day to a maximum daily use of 9,100 to 15,000 and 21,000 gallons, respectively. The water will be taken from two wells in the Aquia aquifer for livestock production. Inquiries should be made to Matthew Pajerowski, Chief Water Rights Division, (410) 537-3590.

As adjoining property owners, the Commissioners received correspondence from Felix Rutkoske, Jr., President, Rutkoske Brothers, Inc., advising of their application to Department of the Environment, Water Management Administration, for application of water appropriations for an annual average 210,000 gallons per day. The water will be taken from a well in the Aquia aquifer for crop irrigation. Inquiries should be made to Matthew Pajerowski, Chief Water Rights Division, (410) 537-3590.

Correspondence was received from the Department of the Environment, Water Management Administration, and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers advising that Joseph has applied to construct a 375 foot long stone revetment and to mechanically maintenance dredge a 700 foot long by 25 channel. The dredged material will be used to fill in behind the revetment. Questions may be directed to Charles DeRose at 410 537-3851.

There being no further business to claim their attention, the Board adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, October 29, 2002


Please contact Joyce Laskey or Janice Fletcher at (410) 778-7435 or by e-mail with any questions or comments.

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