Planning and Zoning - Floodplain


April is designated as, "Flood Awareness Month" in Maryland. Each year, we use this month to spread awareness throughout our communities about the risk of flooding and what people can do to be prepared. Flooding is the number one natural hazard in Maryland. From the mountains in the west, across the piedmont, and down to the coastal plain that extends to the Atlantic - every year Marylanders experience flooding.


Flood Awareness Month presents an important opportunity to communicate the value and need for flood resilience.It is important to remind community members, homeowners, and businesses that being prepared is the best way to protect themselves and their communitites from the major financial losses a flood can cause. Please see the link below for some useful information regarding flooding in Maryland.


Substantially Improved

Substantial Improvement Worksheet

Non Substantial Damage

Substantially Damaged

SI-SD Administrative Procedures

Homeowners Affidavit Substantial Improvement

Contractors Affidavit Substantial Improvement