Ronald H. Fithian, President – Commissioner Fithian has served a total of 24 years as a County Commissioner as of 2022. This year marks his 7th term as Commissioner. Commissioner Fithian was employed as a waterman for the Maryland Seafood Industry and served as the Town Manager of Rock Hall for 21 years. He is a lifelong resident of Rock Hall, MD where he and his wife Robin, enjoy four children, nine grandchildren, and one great-grandson. Mr. Fithian was bestowed the title Chesapeake Bay Ambassador by Governor Larry Hogan. Mr. Fithian currently serves on the following: Legistlative Committee MACo, Kent County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Kent County Public Landings and Facilities Board, Kent County Social Services Advisory Board, and the Upper Shore Regional Council.

Albert H. Nickerson, Member – Commissioner Nickerson is a lifelong resident of Kent County, MD. He currently resides in Worton with his wife, Kristen, and two sons, Dutch and Michael. Commissioner Nickerson is a self-employed contractor and began his business, Saw Mill Creek Construction, in 1995. He is the sixth generation in his family from the Eastern Shore, Kent County, MD. Mr. Nickerson currently serves on the following: Kent County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Kent County Parks and Recreation Board, and the Upper Shore Regional Council.

John F. Price, Member – Commissioner Price served as the elected Sheriff of Kent County from 1994 to 2022. He is a graduate of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy and the National Sheriff's Institute. Prior to being elected Sheriff he served as a Chestertown police officer for 10 years and in 1990 took a position with the Kent County Sheriff's Office and was the supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Division. He was a member of the Maryland Police Training Commission and a past President of the Maryland Sheriff's Association. He has served on several local boards to include the J. Deweese Carter Center Advisory Board, and the Adolescent Substance Abuse Coalition. Commissioner Price currently serves on the following: Economic and Tourism Development Commission, Legislative Committee MACo, Local Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council (LDAAC), Kent County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Kent County Local Management Board, and Kent County Upper Shore Aging Board of Directors. Commissioner Price is a lifelong resident of Kent County, and has been married to his wife Sharon for 40 years. He has 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters.