Get involved with Character Counts Kent County today! Attend one of our community events, become a volunteer character coach or make a donation to help ensure the long term sustainability the program.
CCKC is dependent on community volunteers to deliver our programming. The majority of CCKC’s volunteers are Character Coaches in our local schools.
As Character Coaches, our volunteers spend approximately one hour of their time each week developing lessons and then delivering lessons to students. Coaches have between 15-20 minutes to meet with their students and discuss their topic during Character Counts time. Coaches use the CC!KC weekly topics as starting points to develop their lessons, adding in their personal experiences, ideas and methods of delivery. Past lessons have included activities, current events, power points and discussions.
Most of our CCKC coaches coach in pairs, having a partner helps them to manage responsibilities, allows them to work together to brainstorm and map out lessons and it ensures that a coach will always be present in the classroom.
When a new CCKC Character Coach joins the team, they are assigned a mentor to help them find their way. Mentors are available to assist in lesson planning, to share their past experiences and to answer any questions you may have as a new coach. Within the first few lessons, most of our new coaches find their teaching style and start to really enjoy working with the students.
Interested in learning more about becoming a character coach or volunteering for Character Counts Kent County? Please contact us and our program director will be in touch!
Character Counts! Kent County
Service Provider