Kent County Government - Water and Waste Water Services


Consumer Confidence Reports

In 1996, the U.S. Congress and the President amended the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). One of the provisions that they added to the law was a requirement that all community water systems provide to their customers a brief annual water quality report. The law specifies certain content for the reports, and requires water systems to distribute these reports to all of their customers.

Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR's) summarize information that water systems already collect to comply with regulations. The report contain basic information on the source(s) of your water, the level of any contaminants in the water, and compliance with other drinking water rules, as well as some brief educational material.

Any questions regarding the following reports can be directed to Chris Yiannakis, Superintendent at (410)778-3287.

The following reports are in Adobe Acrobat format. This makes the report easily printable on 8-1/2 x 11 paper in the same format as the original report. If you need a copy of the free Acrobat reader program you can click the link below.





Edesville/Rock Hall




Source Water Assessments

Fairlee Water System

Edesville Water System

Kennedyville Water System

Worton Water System