Kent County MD - Genealogy
Cemeteries in or near Galena

Galena Cemetery - One of four cemeteries in northern Kent County, the Galena Cemetery was established in 1893. It is located next to the Rectory of St. Dennis' Catholic Church on Route 213 No

Olivet Methodist Church Cemetery -Olivet Methodist Church is located near the center of Galena on Route 313 South. The Church and its associated cemetery are across the road from the Galena Middle School.

Old Saint Dennis Cemetery -The Old Saint Dennis Cemetery is located in Lambson Station, Maryland. To reach it, follow Route 313 South out of Galena and turn right onto Route 290. Proceed on 290 southwest for about 1.4 miles. The cemetery is in the corner of an open field at the intersection of 290 S and Duck Puddle Road.
Georgetown Cemetery- This cemetery is located in Georgetown, Maryland, near the point at which Route 213N crosses the Sassafras River into Cecil County. To reach it, go north from Galena on Route 213 and turn left onto Georgetown Cemetery Road at the southern edge of town. The cemetery entrance is on its south side.
Georgetown Cemetery- This cemetery is located in Georgetown, Maryland, near the point at which Route 213N crosses the Sassafras River into Cecil County. To reach it, go north from Galena on Route 213 and turn left onto Georgetown Cemetery Road at the southern edge of town. The cemetery entrance is on its south side.