Workforce Investment Board


Eric Kuster 05/31/24              Tom Timberman 07/31/24

Daniel Schneckenburger, Executive Director

Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board

Susan Coppage 07/31/21

Daniel Lessard 05/31/24

 Terenda V. Thomas 01/31/24

Date indicates expiration of term

In compliance with Section 117 of the Workforce Investment Act, the UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD developed the local area plan in partnership with the appropriate chief elected officials. The local area plan is consistent with Section 118 of the Workforce Investment Act, the State plan and local area plan instructions developed by the Governor.

Designation of Administrative Entity. The UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD is responsible for the selection of an entity to administer the UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Local Operational Plan. Such an Administrative Entity may be a local educational agency within the UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREA. Accordingly, the UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD designated Chesapeake College as the Administrative entity for the Upper Shore Workforce Investment Area.

Intensive Services:

The One-stop operator will provide intensive services in the UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD local area. Counseling will be available in each One-stop location to administer assessment, testing, and to determine eligiblity. Once eligibility is determined, an Individual Employment Development Plan (IEDP) will be formulated between the customer and the counselor. Such a plan details a training plan and will be the basis of the Individual Training Account document.

A list of eligible providers of training services will be maintained at the One-stop centers; a mechanism to track performance of eligible training services will be devised for availability to the public at the One-stop centers; career counseling will be available to customers as they participate in training.

(4) Developing a budget for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the local board.

The Chesapeake College Workforce Investment Division shall develop a budget for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the local board. The UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD will approve the budget. In order to assist in the administration of the grant funds, Chesapeake College will be designated to serve as the local grant sub-recipient in the capacity of local FISCAL AGENT; this designation does not relieve the five-county local elected officials (as Grant Recipients) of the liability for any misuse of grant funds; the budget will be approved prior to July 1 of each year.

(5) Negotiating and reaching agreement on local performance measures.

The UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD and the local elected officials shall negotiate with the Governor and reach agreement on local performance measures.

(6) Assisting the Governor in developing the Statewide Employment. Statistics System under the Wagner-Peyser Act. The UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD will evaluate the Governor's request, coordinate with the One-stop Consortium Operator/partners and forward recommendations to the five county local elected officials for approval.

(7) Coordinating workforce investment activities with economic development strategies and developing employer linkages.
The UPPER SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD envisions the strengthening of economic development linkages with the Economic Development Director in each county as well as any local, state or federal regional economic development initiatives. The Economic Development Directors and Local Elected Officials will be asked to select an economic development representative to the Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board by July 1, 2002. The current Board Membership has a representative of a county Economic Development Commission.