Police Accountability Board

(Term 4 years)

Barry Byers, Chair, 12/31/2026 Joan Horsey, 12/31/2026
Johnnie A. Jones III, Esq., 12/31/2026 Bishop Leon Frison, 04/18/2027
Kay Pritzlaff, 03/14/2027 LaMonte Cooke, 04/18/2027
Nancy Grahamer, 12/31/2026  
Date indicates expiration of term.

Police Accountability Board 2023 Annual Report 


The Police Accountability Board (PAB) is made up of seven residents from Kent County, all appointed by the County Commissioners.  To the extent practicable, they shall represent the seven [7] voting districts of the county.

To qualify, members must be a resident for at least one [1] year, be registered to vote in the county, not be active law enforcement officers, and have no prior felony convictions.

The Police Accountability Board shall: 

    • Hold quarterly meetings (or more frequently if deemed necessary) with heads of law enforcement agencies in the County and otherwise work with law enforcement agencies and the County government to improve matters of policing;
    • Adopt rules of procedure, which may be amended from time to time, as a majority of the PAB may deem necessary and appropriate.
    • Receive complaints of police misconduct filed by members of the public against a police officer who is employed within the county and forward that complaint to that officer’s agency within 3 days of receipt.
    • Review the outcomes of disciplinary matters considered by the Administrative Charging Committee.
    • Submit an annual report (by Dec. 31st) to the County Commissioners that identifies any trends in the disciplinary process of police officers in Kent County, and makes recommendations on changes to policy that would improve police accountability.

Members are chosen and appointed by the Kent County Commissioners for four [4] year terms and may serve a second term – consecutive or not.

Click here to view the Police Accountability Flowchart

PAB Flowchart thumbnail 

Contact Us:

Valerie Jones, Administrative Specialist
Police Accountability Board
Email: accountability@kentgov.org